Purpose | Values

HopeAlight LLC exists to equip people with essential knowledge and practical tools to help bring hope and healing to children who have experienced adversity. Providing trauma informed care requires a person to understand, recognize, and respond to the impact of deeply distressing events in the lives of others. Trust Based Relational Intervention® is an attachment based, trauma informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children.

When we view hurting children through the lens of compassion, our belief systems can shift in such a way that our response creates trust, connection, and felt safety for children. Our schools, homes, and community agencies need to become fields of compassion where children can thrive in our care. 

HopeAlight LLC values personal growth and healing, vulnerability, compassion, bravery, authenticity, honesty, connection, serving, learning, and love. Through key relationships with safe and trusted adults, empowered with the knowledge and tools of TBRI®, children can experience healing and hope for their future.



noun | com-pas-sion | \kəm-ˈpa-shən\

A concerning awareness of suffering that results in responsiveness or readiness to help relieve that suffering. 


Trust Based Relational Intervention® is an attachment based, trauma informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. 


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Trauma informed schools have the ability to bring hope and healing to the children they serve. By helping students feel safe, empowering their bodies and brains, meeting their attachment needs through healthy relationships, and shaping behavior in a connected way, students are able to learn and grow to their potential. 

Community agencies

Numerous community agencies exist to support the needs of today's youth. Although TBRI® was designed to meet the needs of vulnerable children, this approach is effective for all children. When equipped with comprehensive understanding and practical tools, helping professionals can facilitate hope and healing in those they serve.


Photo by Lacheev/iStock / Getty Images

Parenting is one of the most important yet challenging tasks we will experience, and raising children from hard places can be even more difficult. However, there is nothing more beautiful than coming alongside a hurting child and being part of the redemption story of his or her life. Healing is possible for all families.  


“TBRI® has brought incredible hope and healing to our family. We are forever grateful for this life-giving knowledge!”


“If I have planted, and farmed the soil well, those who come after me, and after them and after them, will be wiser and more well-equipped and more able to continue our mission...We truly are learning to change the world for children."

- Dr. Karyn Purvis, Co-Founder of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development & Co-Creator of TBRI®