schools | Spark Hope Ignite Change

Aside from time with their families, children spend more daytime hours at school than in any other environment. Throughout the school year, educators work tirelessly to provide academic instruction to meet the individual needs of all students. Unfortunately, many students have been impacted by trauma, whether once or chronically over time. The following can be traumatic for students: difficult birth, hospitalization, divorce, neglect, abuse, addiction, incarceration, death of a loved one, witnessing violence, changing schools, deployment of a parent, and other deeply distressing events. Educators often find themselves overwhelmed by the social, emotional, and behavioral issues that children experience throughout the school day as a result of their history of trauma. 

After practicing as a school psychologist for 10 years, I have found that most schools attempt to manage social, emotional, and behavioral challenges through the behavioral model that emphasizes reinforcement and consequences to shape behavior. These strategies are not effective for children from hard places, as students with a history of trauma experience changes in brain development that is different from their peers. With the knowledge of Trust Based Relational Intervention®, a research based model of trauma informed care, administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, and other special teams can approach students through a lens of compassion and begin to meet the needs of children from hard places while shaping behaviors in a connected way.

I provide both comprehensive training and ongoing consultation to aid with the implementation of TBRI within our schools. This cultural shift in interpreting and responding to emotional and behavioral challenges takes time and intentional effort from everyone involved. Empowered with this knowledge, schools can become fields of compassion where all children, regardless of their history, can experience hope and healing in an environment where they feel safe and experience trusting relationships with adults and peers. 

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Dr. Jack Parker, Superintendent, Mount Vernon Community School Corporation

“Our student population has changed dramatically in the last 5-7 years bringing schools more and more students who are greatly struggling with their behaviors and emotions. We (educators) were not prepared for this. The "Love and Logic" approach simply does not work with students who are living with multiple adverse childhood experiences. We need retooled. TBRI is an approach that provides a shift in mindset for the educator, as well as clear strategies to help students who are struggling to learn to regulate their behavior. All educators need the information and tools that Amy Abell provides through TBRI training. She is an excellent presenter and has been an exceptional provider of ongoing support during our journey to help all students succeed. I, as well as many others, have been forever changed because of what we learned through Amy and the TBRI framework.”

“If I could tell you my dream for every child in the world, it would be to imagine a world where the cry of every child is met by a loving compassionate adult.”

-Dr. Karyn Purvis, Co-Founder of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development & Co-Creator of TBRI®